Thursday, September 13, 2012

About My Photography

My name is Munira binti Iskandar. You can call me nira. I have been in relationship with 500d starting from 14-8-2010. It has been 2 years and now I'm waiting for 70d to be announced. 60d and 7d are already old models, I would choose the updated one to invest my money.

Photography is my hobby, and wedding photography is my genre. Why I choose wedding photography? Hmm...coz opportunities always comes and somehow it is good to have ladyphotographer to shoot wedding rather than man coz it is more appropriate and halal to shoot the bride when she's being put make-up. Wedding photography is just my part time, I'm doing another job as my full time. 

I used to learn from Ashraf Saharuddin, he taught me formally about basic photography. I attended his class when I was studying in IIUM (UIAM) or better to put this way, he allowed me to attend his class. hehe...The photography skill class is actually a cocu subject and it is a credited subject but at that time I already completed other cocu subject which I think useless and cannot be implemented after I graduated. Then I asked permission from bro Ashraf to join his class. Then I learned from him for 2 semesters; basic and studio photography.

At the same time I have my personal sifu whom I always ask stupid questions.haha...He is like my walking reference. I am really lucky to have him as my sifu. He has guided me since the time I decided to buy DSLR until future.hehe...His fb name is Zuhri Iskandar, sounds like my brother yea? Well, he is my adopted brother la, my sifu, my motivator, my friend. In short, he knows anything about me. Maybe you've never recognised him as a pro but it's enough to say that Kamalia Kamal also learns from him since she was a beginner until now and future.He has very broad knowledge in photography. He used to shoot corporate event etc.

I also used to attend Kamalia Kamal class for half day. Got to learn about photolicious style of outdoor potraiture. 

Now I'm in DSPCreative team. The team was established by Kacang Botol Crtv and me. Now our team consists of 6; 3 photographers, 1 designer, 1 make-up artist and 1 promoter.hehe...We focus on wedding including banner, invitation card, and make-up. DSP stands for Decent Style Photography, we intend to shoot the wedding in decent style as allowed by Islamic rules. I also have a friend who is a tahfiz and photographer whom I seek advice if there is doubt whether the photo is appropriate to be published or not, the friend is Mior Imran. He is writing a book entitled Fiqh Fotografi that will be published by PTS soon, InsyaAllah.

What else to say...I am not a pro, I am still learning. I focus on photography rather than editing. I do edit my photos but not excessively. I would appreciate if you could give comments on my photos (you can pm me as well) coz I would like to know different perspectives by other photographers. So that I will know how to improve my photo next time. In fact I feel uneasy if I do not know how to improve my photos. I am not a kind of person who is 'gile like', a like by a pro and outstanding photographer is more valuable than 100 likes by a layman or a beginner.

Ok la, habis dah membebel...When I start writing it will always be like this, panjang lebar...But do not expect me to be a talkative person. I do talk much to closed friends but not to a stranger or someone who is not closed to me.