Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cool Bloging with a friend

On 31st July 2012, I went to iftar with DSPCreative team. I went there with Budak Ganas tapi Jiwang Karat or BGJK (as described by DSPCreative leader) since I offered her to take a ride or drifting with me. Then she was like aaaaaa when I drifted...haha...Yes, my hobby is driving fast and furious...what to do...within 4 months staying in Terengganu, I just got 3 summons for speeding...haha...what to say? bayar je le....

Back to the main focus, the sweet moment was when we went to Mydin semata-mata JUST to buy Cool Blog. She didn't believe me when I said there is Cool Blog stall at Mydin. The car park was full so I just sadai je my car tepi jalan. In Ramadhan malam2 pun sesak jugak Mydin ye...TTC was more crowded since there was Raya festival sale there.

Aigoo...sweet moment x hbs cerita dh merapu mende x sweet...Ok2, focus2...I think it is sweet when she asked:

BGJK: What flavour do you want?
me: Blur...What do you always buy?
BGJK: Bandung
me: Ok, buy me Bandung with pearl.
BGJK: Aiyoo..Don't 'follow' my taste la...
me: It's okay, I have never tasted bandung cool blog. Then what are you going to order for yourself?
BGJK: I feel like want to taste what you like too. What do you always buy?
me: Vanilla!!!


BGJK: Sedapnye vanilla ni...just tasted like ice-cream...
me (dlm hati): Bandung ni rs cm air aku buat kt umah je...baik beli pearl je n kacau air kt umah...nasib baik la ko blanja...=)

Ape yg sweet? sweet bile I 'follow' what she likes and she follow what I like...hehehhe....